Saturday, January 20, 2007


I LOVE make-up and I think skin care products are absolutely essential. But, unfortunately, I don't have the $$$ to buy all the products I want. So I scrimp and save to splurge on a few expensive products and then look for deals to get other products to "play" with. In the past 10 years of trying all sorts of make-up and beauty creams, I've learned three valuable lessons:

1. Just because it costs more doesn't mean a product is better.
2. My friends are the best source of advice and product reviews.
3. When I'm feeling down, a new beauty product, especially a new lipstick, always cheers me up.

I'm sure most of you out there have learned similar beauty lessons.

Although my friends are great at sharing their product highs and lows, there are still thousands of goodies out there that none of us have tried. So, I started this blog for a couple of reasons:

1. To give beauty addicts a place to share their reviews and opinions on products.
2. To share deals and sales, although these will be mainly for Canadian (& Toronto) residents.

I'll post product news and special deals whenever I find them, but some of the regular features you'll find here include:

- Product Reviews - reviews by me and/or my readers (that means YOU!)
- Inside the Makeup Case - InStyle magazine always takes a peek into a celebrity's makeup case - I want to know what you think of the products we find in there!
- Desert Island Beauty - If you were stranded on a desert island, blah, blah, blah - what are the top 5 beauty products you couldn't live without?

This blog isn't just about me, so please feel free to post your comments or send me suggestions. If there's a product you want me to post for review or you've found a great deal or you want to let me know what your Desert Island Top 5 list is, email me at

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Will you be doing any special feature entries about hair care products?

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